The place where everybody is somebody, and Jesus is Lord of all!
318 Eighth Street Spencer, NC 28159
(704) 633-3876
Bishop Chris F. Brown, Sr.
Originally from Kannapolis, North Carolina. He was ordained as Bishop on June 9, 2010. Bishop Brown is a radical "fireball" for God and a God-appointed troubleshooter. Anything that troubles the Spirit of God, he shoots to it immediately. He teaches and preaches the unadulterated Word of God as well as lead by example for men to be real men of God, not just with lip service.

Sunday Morning Worship Service
He loves God, loves God's people and has a heart to please God. Coming from the streets, he doesn't mind getting in the trenches preaching hope, deliverance and restoration. Through life’s struggles, getting caught-up in the ways of the world and Satan’s trap, he wore the label, "menace to society" (tagged on him by the judicial system). One judge told him that "you will will never get out." With one hope remaining, Christ Jesus, Bishop Brown cried-out to God to save him. It was then he began working on his "BA" Degree (Born Again).
He majored in "Knee-ology" at a school he calls the "State University of Hard Knocks." As God began to break , shape and to remake him, the world and penal system saw the change in him. God, the one and only true Judge, made a way that seemed impossible to man and allowed Chris Brown to walk-out as free man after serving 14-years in the penitentiary. This was an answer to one of his many prayers, “Lord don’t let me out until you can get the glory out of my life."
During 10 of the 14-years of his incarceration, he ministered and built a church from behind the prison walls. On March 2, 2007, another prayer was answered as he was released from the state prison a free man and stepped into his Pastoral position at Warriors Outreach Deliverance Ministry.
In November 2007, Bishop Brown and his wife stepped-out on the Word of God and Whosoever Will Reach Out Ministry was born in their living room. As the ministry flourished within 3-weeks, they moved into an old barbershop which was a whisper away from being condemned. God breathed on the structure and brought it back to life. Since then, God has continued to bless and sustain the ministry.